At Tamagawa Holdings, compliance is defined as “observance of not only laws and regulations but also social norm, and positioned as one of the most important tasks for management.
We at Tamagawa Holdings have been engaging in the electronic and communication device business for nearly 50 years as well as the renewable energy business with a short history in the industry, where all officers and employees have a spirit of challenge to these businesses and at the same time compliance is emphasized by the observance of social ethics based on performing the work with awareness of fully understanding importance of compliance.
This does not remain only in Tamagawa Holdings but many people including employees, temporary employees, part-time workers, etc. of our group, and partner companies also share the spirit of illegality, and each individual is committed to obey laws and regulations during and outside of work time as a good citizen.
Code of conduct for compliance
In order to achieve compliance Tamagawa Holdings and its group companies aim for, the code of conduct to be observed by every employee is stipulated as “Tamagawa Code of Conduct for Compliance.”
Tamagawa Code of Conduct for Compliance
- Must observe the rules such as laws and company rules, etc. in any case, and must conduct sensible act trusted by the society.
- The rules must be actively learned. Do not make ignorance as an excuse.
- Must make reasonable report immediately after making misconduct such as fraud and material mistake, etc. Do not whitewash or hide.
- Do not treat any person reporting misconduct in disadvantageous manner for the reason of such report.
- Must seek the cause of, and correct misconduct immediately after such occurrence and take effective prevention measure to prevent reoccurrence.
(1) Risk compliance committee
Tamagawa Holdings has established “Risk Compliance Committee” aiming to penetrate the corporate ethics and awareness of legal observance, to construct the framework to prevent illegal acts before occurrence and to promote the compliance structure.
The Compliance Committee consists of members appointed by the president, and the president or the person appointed by the president serves as the chairman of the Risk Compliance Committee and performs duties.
- ①To familiarize all officers and employees with the idea of complying with industrial logic as well as laws and regulations and at the same time to ensure the standards of conduct.
- ②To extract possible illegal acts upon daily corporate activities to identify problems if any.
- ③To publicize confidentiality of whistleblowers as well as prohibition of disadvantageous handling thereof, in order to maintain the environment to identify problems at an early stage.
- ④Seek the cause of, and develop prevention measure for reoccurrence in the case of occurrence of compliance-related problems.
(2) Whistle blowing system
For early discovery, response and occurrence prevention of problems in compliance, the employees of Tamagawa Holdings may report any breach of the standards of conduct to the superior as well as directly consulting and notifying the full-time auditor.
(3) Compliance education
In order to thoroughly publicizing the corporate ethics and legal observance in accordance with “Tamagawa Code of Conduct for Compliance,” participation in compliance education is obliged at the training seminars, etc. for officers, immediate managers, new managers, new employees and mid-career employees.